You won’t have a Quest Log to point you in any direction so your only hope are the clues you find.If there exists any exception to this it has been mentioned in the guide. Continuing on the previous point, every item required for this quest can only be obtained on Ultimate difficulty.The second Secret Quest (i.e this one) is like its predecessor only doable on Ultimate difficulty.So you don’t need to complete the first one to access the second quest The first and second Secret Quests aren’t related at all.The following is a guide to the Secret Quest of Ashes of Malmouth, for those of you interested in the Original Secret Quest refer to ADoomGod’s guide
While his guide was complete I still decided to add in some extra stuff in and also decided to format this guide to be “Spoiler Friendly” i.e I will use a bunch of spoiler tags so that people interested in solving this themselves don’t get everything spoiled for them. I’m using the text and images from Luzzifus’ steam guide. While the steam guide (Credts: Luzzifus) for this quest has existed for quite a while now I still felt the forums could use one as well. This a guide to the Ultimate only Secret Quest of Ashes of Malmouth.